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Jon's Priorities

Firsthand experience in community policing allows Jon to understand the importance of building strong relationships within the community. By engaging with residents on a personal level, our officers are able to gain insight into their perspectives and develop strategies for boosting trust and collaboration between officers and Ottawa residents. 


With his expertise in police safety technology development, Jon is poised to modernize the way our deputies keep themselves and our residents safe. By implementing innovative tools and updating policies and technologies, he will ensure that our law enforcement officers have everything they need to do their jobs effectively and safely. 


Jon has dedicated his entire life to law enforcement and the vow to uphold the Constitution. His unwavering belief in freedom drives him to ensure that every citizen's rights and freedoms are protected at all costs. Jon will stop at nothing to protect the citizens from any unjust orders or laws that threaten their freedom, standing as a steadfast guardian against any violations of our Constitution.

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