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Four out of five Ottawa County Deputies want Jon to be their Sheriff.
Stand with our law enforcement. Vote Jon for Sheriff.
As a law enforcement professional with over 32 years of experience, I will lead the Ottawa Sheriff’s Department by providing the leadership and support the staff needs to keep Ottawa County safe and defend our citizens' constitutional rights with unwavering dedication and integrity.


Jon is a highly decorated law enforcement officer who resides in Grand Haven Township with his wife Anita and their dog Luna. With an impressive career as a retired sheriff's commander, Jon brings extensive experience and expertise to the table. He knows the challenges facing Ottawa County, particularly with the current administration in Lansing pushing laws out that are directly or indirectly in violation of our constitutional rights. Jon’s commitment to preserving our rights, coupled with his vast law enforcement experience and desire to make a difference, make him the only choice for Sheriff.


Jon is a retired sheriff’s commander who has served in chief of police roles and numerous commander assignments, including human trafficking, biometrics and technology, special investigations, community policing, homeland security and terrorism task forces, and many others. He holds two college degrees, is a Sherman Block Leadership Institute graduate, and was an adjunct instructor at a community college and a large regional sheriff’s academy, teaching community policing. 

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